Monday, November 19, 2007

The Template

I hope everyone completed their assignment and made a detailed needs analysis...I know I have. So now that I know what qualities I need to improve, how do I assimilate all of my needs into a solid program? Well, you need to design a training template. I've made a list of what a training template is and what a training template isn't, these are some common mistakes that I often see.

1. An OUTLINE of the training week
2. Lifting categories per training session
3. Structure of the hierarchy of needs

1. List of exercises
2. Reps and sets
3. Specific speed/agility/mobility/conditioning drills

Example of a 4 Day Training Template

Mon: Linear Acceleration, DE Squat, Post Chain, Upper Back, Arm Flex, Abs Static

Tues: Reactive Strength (OLY),1-Leg Sq asst, ME Press,Horizontal Pull, Tri Asst (vol)
Ab Flexion

Thur: Agility, DE Squat, Post Chain, Upper back, Arm Flexion, Abs Static

Fri: OLY, Work Cap, 1 Leg, DE Press,Vert Pull,Tri Asst

Another way to do this is to create an emphasis for the day.

Mon: Speed Tue: Power Thur: Strength Fri: Work Capacity

But within each of these days you are training all qualities, but the emphasis shifts.

I hope this get off your rear now and right a template!!!

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