Monday, February 11, 2008

Big Props

I want to give a big thanks to my buddy Bob Calvin. After completing all the blood tests and evaluation forms...I started on my new training diet. Its been three weeks and I've already dropped 8lbs. My plan basically evolves around my training schedule. Twice a week, I'd have a hi carb day...all clean of course and then the rest of the week would be either low or moderate carb intake.

On my moderate/low days I'd also add in some moderate intensity cardio...which generally consisted of treadmill walk 12.0 deg, 3.0 mph for 30 min. Let me back up for a second...why are you doing this you might are a STRENGTH coach. Well, yes you are right, but I also want to be alive to be a strength and conditioning coach. I'm actually in good shape, but my body comp isn't where I'd like it to be. I want to consistently be around 10%....right now I need to drop about 5% more to get there. The goal is to get down to 7 - 8% and then work my way back up from there.

So, there you have it. I'll give you more updates as the transformation takes place...Ha ha.

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