Monday, October 22, 2007

NTS Anabolic Phase

The 5 Goals of the Nutrient Timing System during the Anabolic Phase:

1. Shift Metabolic Machinery from a Catabolic State to an Anabolic State

Use of a CHO/PRO supplement will stimulate insulin and blunt cortisol release

2. Speed the Elimination of Metabolic Wastes by Increasing Muscle Blood Flow

Muscles that are recovering require a quick delivery system for nutrients, oxygen delivery and fast removal of metabolic byproducts. When levels increase, blood flow is also increased. Thus, a CHO/PRO supplement is vital.

3. Replenish Muscle Glycogen Stores

Many studies have found that supplementing with CHO post training is much more effective than delaying supplementation. It has also been found that supplementing on a regular basis after exercise can maintain a rapid rate of glycogen storage. In addition the CHO that produced the greatest insulin response also produce the highest rate of glycogen storage.

4. Initiate Tissue Repair and Set the State for Muscle Growth

To increase muscle mass and strength in the postworkout period, the muscle cell must begin to initiate repar and to set the stae for muscle growth. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, reported that Supplementing with CHO/PRO supplement, both immediately and one hour after resistance exercise, increased muscle protein synthesis compared with the CHO supplement.

5. Reduce Muscle Damage and Bolster the Immune System

There is no way to completely eliminated all muscle damage due to training, and as a matter of act this would be undesirable. However, excess damage will restrict glycogen and protein synthesis. Using a CHO/PRO drink that aslo contained vitamins E and C and glutamine, researchers found a significant reduction in free-radical formation compared with a plain CHO supplement.

Ideal Composition of Supplement for the Anabolic Phase

Whey Protein 13-15g
High-glycemic CHO such as glucose, sucrose and maltodextrin 40-50g
Leucine 1-2g
Glutamine 1-2g
Vitamin C 60-120mg
Vitamin E 80-400IU

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