Wednesday, October 10, 2007

NTS Energy Phase

The four goals of the Nutrient Timing System during the Energy Phase:

1. Increase nutrient delivery to muscles and spare muscle glycogen and protein.
2. Limit immune system suppression.
3. Minimize muscle damage.
4. Set the nutritional state for a faster recovery following your workout.

1. Increase nutrient delivery to muscles and spare muscle glycogen and protein.
Replenishing muscle glycogen is not only a major concern to endurance athletes, but it is also crucial for strength training athletes. Muscle glycogen can be reduced by as much as 40% during multiple sets of training...the more sets the more glycogen depletion. By consuming a carbohydrate/protein sports drink you can preserve muscle glycogen and maintain a high level of training effort. The latest research indicates that by adding protein to a carbohydrate supplement one can preserve muscle protein, increase protein synthesis and extend exercise duration. Also, during extended exercise the use of BCAAs may aid in improving training duration.

2. Limit Immune System SuppressionDuring and after strenuous exercise the immune system is suppressed, and the risk of infection is drastically increased. The immune system is closely tied to the neuroendocrine system, and during exercise cortisol is released. Cortisol lowers the concentration and activities of many of the important immune cells that fight infection. Blood cortisol levels can be regulated to a significant degree by controlling glucose availability. Bishop and colleagues show that when athletes were given a 6% CARB solution during exercise, cortisol level dropped by almost 80% compared to subjects just receiving water. Thus, carbohydrate supplementation provides a dual benefit during exercise.

3. Minimize Muscle DamageCARB supplementation during exercise reduces the rise of cortisol and decreases specific agents responsible for producing inflammation. Bishop and colleagues showed the CARB supplementation could reduce biochemical markers of inflammation by almost 50%. Supplementation with antioxidants such as vitamin E and C plus BCAAs may also help minimize muscle damage.

4. Set the Nutritional Stage for a Faster Recovery Following Your Workout
As seen above, there is increased muscle protein degradation, in part to help supply muscle energy needs during exercise. Consuming protein during exercise will enable you to utilize the ingested protein and thereby decrease protein degradation and spare muscle protein. The same principle holds true with regard to muscle glycogen. Consuming carbohydrate during resistance exercise results in less depletion of glycogen stores.

NTS Recommendations for Energy Phase
170lb athlete per 12oz of water

High glycemic CHO such as glucose, sucrose, and maltodextrin; I recommend Waximaze
Whey protein 5-6
Leucine 1g
Vitamin C 30-120 mg
Vitamin E 20-60IU
Sodium 100-250mg
Potassium 60-100mg
Magnesium 60-120mg

-Portions of blog extracted word for word-

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