Friday, October 5, 2007

Passion and Purpose

I'm taking a quick break from the NTS series to blog about something very important to me. When someone tells me that they want to be a strength and conditioning coach I always reply by saying, "Why would you want to do a thing like that?". The person usually responds in disbelief thinking in some way that I offended them. I then supply them with a little bit of information that validates my bold statement:

First you have to intern (for free) and work ridiculous hours hoping to get a Graduate Assistant position.
Once you "earn" the GA spot then you work stupid hours...60-80hrs a week depending on how ego driven you boss is. Meanwhile your busting your hump to finished an advanced degree in some type of science...all the while trying to get your mind around the physiology, biomechanics and psychology of training a dynamic group of athletes.
After you've earned a BS,MS and every other certification on the planet you get your first job!!!! Making $28.000 - 32,000 a year...sometimes without benefits.
Once you get that first job you will live a very modest lifestyle and get underpaid for being over educated. If you are lucky you will have a beer with some young football coach at a convention and then 10yrs later he'll hire you as his Head S&C Coach...that's when you hit the jackpot and make 100K a year, oh that is if you are a man...b/c women aren't smart enough or tough enough to be S&C Coaches for football...i hope you are getting the good dose of sarcasm I'm throwing your way.

Now that young guy or gal is looking at me with sad eyes wondering, "Why the heck do I want to do this?". That's the question we all need to ask. If your purpose for doing this isn't strong enough, you'll never make it. You'll end up going into the "private sector" and one day regretting having left this incredible profession. Coaches, find your purpose...let it fuel your passion...and let that passion drive you to excellence.

1 comment:

Andy Ellwood said...

Erik Korem, inspiring the hearts and minds of S&C Coaches around the world. I knew him when...